Newsletter #2 – Jobs by Email (7)

POC2 Post 💌

February – Late Winter ☃️

Hi everyone, I hope you’re doing well and if not I hope you’re taking care of yourself.

💷 Without realising it, I paused active job applications at the beginning of the month to follow some connections I have. Networking is usually a word I try to avoid as much as possible, but in working with the careers team at my university, the idea of simply asking the people I already work with in limited capacities for more substantial employment seemed like a no-brainer.

In the end this had some success, though it did not amount to the consistent, part-time job that I’d like (seems like the primary way to get this is to keep applyinig for advertised positions) it has made me aware of some more “freelance” opportunities that could be helpful.

💷 I also looked into the researcher academy for possible pots of funding. Again the catalyst behind so much of this is the lack of safety net available if a project does not go to plan. It would be great to find longer term extension such that I wouldn’t even need the part time work, but this seems like a dead end. I got a (in all fairness, a very kind) reply suggesting the normal COVID extension. I already have this and like many others have expressed, it is woefully short. They also suggested the university hardship funding, which is lovely but not appropriate for me. It is a short term loan system for people in immediate stress (though how quick the process is to be affective is a whole different issue) and as such not actual funding. Especially not for the length of time i’m aiming for.

Finally, two other sources I that were mentioned to investigate is disability support and my actual funding body.

Disability support recommended I apply for a COVID extension, again I already have this, but I guess it was mentioned as I didn’t specifically state that I knew about it in my general enquiry of an email.🤦🏿‍♀️ They did, however, point me to possible grant funding pages on mt university website. This was a promising rabbit hole to fall into as I found a few possilities within it. The only snag is that these are of courve very time sensitive, and as such I have set up some reminders on my phone, and will simply apply for them later in the year – if I muster up the strength to be consistent with this newsletter i’ll let you know how it all goes.

Finally, the big one. My funding body. I emailed them asking if they have anything available for students like myself, of course the pandemic was world changing, but prior to this there must have been students who just needed more time for many reasons reason. My email enquired about these opportunities and the response was unfortunately more of the same. Massive issues, such as sickness or other life chanign events, are handelled via your supervisor and university, but outside of general extenuating circumstances there is nothing that they have.

💻 I’ve also been hearing more stories of difficultiesduring a PhD. The frustration, discomfort and stress is all too common a feeling it seems. Physics World author Caitlin Duffy puts it well here as she talks about her experiment producing null results.

In solidarity – Karel (on behalf of the POC2 team)

Discoveries ✨

📺 Mariah Alice – Yes I am still on my white girls living in forests kick. After a stressful day it’s nice to have something to relax to.

🎮 The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – Anyone who knows me knows I am obsessed with Breath of the Wild. Outstanding game Ive sunk 500+ hours into. Of course i’m pre-ordering tears of the kingdom, and if I play my cards right i’ll take a few days off work to go full gremlin mode when it drops to play it.

The POC2 newsletter, The POC2 Post 💌, is written by Karel Green. Find her published work + guest appearances on BBC radio here or follow her on Twitter @thisismeonline

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

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